Saturday, January 9, 2010

Birds of winter

In the garden today Disgruntled noticed the first redwings and fieldfares of winter, and numerous they were too, competing with the blackbirds for berries. There appear to be a lot of them all over Bradley Stoke. They tend to migrate from Scandinavia when the weather there is too harsh, so if we think it is bad here now with the snow, how bad must it be over there? The wooded path alongside Braydon Avenue seems to be full of fieldfares.


  1. Had fieldfares in the garden a couple of days ago and thought it sufficiently unusual to write about it:

  2. Nice pictures and thanks for the link Bob. In the bushes around Hawkins Crescent you can frequently see redwings, fieldfares and blackbirds all flying around after one another in various berry bushes, seemingly chasing one another off the food, even though there is enough for all at the moment.
