Sunday, June 23, 2013

Wildlife of Bradley Stoke - Tree bumblebee

Bombus hypnorum, the Tree bumblebee, comes in two forms - the dark form, seen above, and the more usual red backed form, seen below. It was first observed in the UK in 2001, being common in continental Europe, and now appears to be common here too.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Wildlife of Bradley Stoke - Phyllobius pomaceus

Spotted in a white willow - Phyllobius pomaceus, a type of weavil.

Wildlife of Bradley Stoke - Dabchick

This Dabchick, who was just caught a fish to give to one of her two chicks, was observed on the Three Brooks lake this weekend.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Sawfly larvae

Sawfly larvae spotted on a willow leaf.

Caterpillar eggs

These were spotted on a willow leaf.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Growth on white willow

This growth was found on a white willow tree - any idea what it is?