This is an ash tree with a particularly knobbly section for some reason. It is probably caused by some kind of infection in the past.
This tree has formed an interesting base and a small cavity inside it.
The death of one thing is an opportunity for something else. Here, a fern is taking root in the hollow created by a felled tree.
There were five different squirrels at least in the woods. There are a family of three which seem to stay around the entrance to the reserve by the leisure centre, just over the foot bridge from the path which runs alongside the wood and the playing field. This squirrel is down nearer the swing gate into the wood at the bottom of the hill and path.
Many of the trees are fruiting, and the loss of chlorophyl is allowing the natural colours of the leaves to show through, in this case a particularly nice shade of red.
The man-made ponds are well established now, and this one is full of reeds and bullrushes. This one is seeding.

This lesser-spotted woodpecker was observered in the "newly" planted woodland behind the school and south of Savages Wood. It stayed high in the canopy, which made getting a clear photo rather awkward.... (see below).
Also making life more difficult was the low sun and the amount of cloud, which made for very low ambient light levels.
This dead tree is an interesting shape, and also provides perching points for larger birds to observe the area.
Down at the lake there are still plenty of birds waiting to be fed. Here we have a young black-headed gull and a mallard.
A young black-headed gull (left), and an adult in winter plumage. Note that once the bird matures, the beak and leg colour turn red, and that the wing markings also change.
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