Monday, July 20, 2009

Wildlife in the Three Brooks Reserve

View Wildlife in Bradley Stoke - 19:25 to 20:05 on the 19th July 2009 in a larger map

The stormy weather meant that it was quiet in the reserve last night, as shown in the map above (click on the coloured icons in the map to see which birds were about - there is a different icon per bird).

This mute swan joined in with the ducks feeding on bread brought by vistors.

The ducks.....

The mallards were joined by a pair of farmyard ducks.

This plucky little youngster was in amongst the larger adults going for the bread, and would often dive in front of the older birds to get there first. He didn't show much fear or respect for his elders!

This duck family was asleep near one of the viewing platform areas, with the adult standing guard and keeping watch.

Thistles are coming to the end of their flowering all over the reserve. Here, one is being fed on by a bee type insect.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Red Arrows

The Red Arrows made one of their periodic visits to Filton airfield this weekend, flying in on Friday evening, presumably to have a technical check of some kind performed at Rolls Royce. They flew in in a diamond formation over the airfield before breaking up to land individually. They then flew in and out over the rest of the weekend.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Magpie's are normally considered to be scavengers who eat eggs, carrion and sometimes young birds. However, here is one eating birdseed just like the other birds featured from my garden.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Blue tits

This weekend saw the visit to the garden of a family of blue tits. The young seemed intent in exploring the plants in the garden, hanging upside down and generally flitting around. The adults were more interested in feeding.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Birds and the Nature Reserve

More birds in the garden, scavenging what has been dropped by the sparrows.

Collared Dove

Wood Pigeon

Some pictures from the Three Brooks Nature Reserve from last night:-

Tufted Vetch

Cow Parsley

Ducks on the Lake

Lesser black-backed gull

A map showing where the birds were observed, and other birds during a walk last night, click on the map below.

View Wildlife in Bradley Stoke - 20:00 to 20:40 on the 30th June 2009 in a larger map